Kommunale Klimastrategie

Cooperation between the EAD Group and the INM Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Management

The EAD Group cooperates with the Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Management in matters of municipal climate protection.

The Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Management effectively supports municipalities and districts in implementing the energy transition. This initially includes recording the current status of greenhouse gas balancing, consolidating this through continuous monitoring of the development of energy consumption parameters and greenhouse gas emissions as well as software-supported scenario workshops. In this way, clear recommendations for action can be derived for future development.

INM climate strategy for municipalities and districts

With the products

undefinedResource Monitoring


undefinedEnergy Management

undefinedCarbon Footprint - The Climate Balancer


undefinedScenario Planning

, , the INM Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Management provides municipalities and rural districts with a coordinated range of products for implementing the challenges of the energy transition and sustainable development .

On the one hand, this supports steps in data collection and information acquisition, visualizes consumption information and is used for effective management of the systems, reporting and thus for reducing resource consumption .

For a meaningful greenhouse gas balance according to the IPCC methodology , the collected data is enriched with statistical information and shown in various sectors and classified in the development from 1990 onwards.

In addition, various future scenarios for municipalities and districts can be developed and designed as part of scenario workshops.


  • INM offers a holistic solution for municipal climate protection
  • scientifically sound methodology for collecting data and deriving relevant key figures
  • Flexible and step-by-step implementation of the INM climate strategy

Get in touch

INM Climate Strategy:


Prof. Dr. Jörg Lässig

undefined joerg.laessig(at)inm-research.de

INM Institut für Nachhaltigkeitsanalytik und -management UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Am See 1
D-02906 Quitzdorf am See
Tel: +49 3588 259071
Fax: +49 3588 259073

Products and services

The Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Management effectively supports municipalities and districts in implementing the energy transition. This initially includes recording the current status of greenhouse gas balancing, stabilizing it through continuous monitoring of the development of energy consumption parameters and greenhouse gas emissions as well as software-supported scenario workshops. This enables clear recommendations for action to be derived for future development.

Resource consumption monitoring

The energy and resource consumption values of your buildings (electricity, water, gas, etc.) are recorded telemetrically and visualized directly in the browser. You can see the development of resource consumption for the monitored media against different time horizons - the development of consumption over the day, over the month, over the year and since the start of data recording. Irregularities, problems, consumption peaks and trends are detected by our analysis module and identified in the visualization so that suitable countermeasures can be taken.

undefinedTo the "Remote Monitoring System" service

Energy management

The energy and resource consumption values obtained in resource consumption monitoring are compared with statistically determined and theoretically based target and limit values for your building. The results of this comparison are interpreted in order to derive possible

possible countermeasures. Emissions are shown in a report and results are visualized on a monthly and annual basis. The effects of suitable countermeasures can be assessed on the basis of amortization calculations.

undefinedTo the "Energy

Management System "service

Greenhouse gas balancing

A survey of greenhouse gas emissions is carried out in various sectors within the area under review, i.e. within your municipality or district. The data collection required to calculate the balancing variables is user-centered and is compiled in a report with regard to the data collected and the analyses derived from it. In the process, current accounting data is compared with the development in recent years and the opening balance from 1990.

undefinedTo the "Regional Carbon Footprint" service

Scenario development

As part of a scenario workshop, various future scenarios for municipalities and districts can be developed together with local stakeholders and decision-makers. These are underpinned by quantitative figures relating to the development of emission values and the expected costs on an annual basis. As a result, the approach offers planning support for the implementation of specific measures over various time horizons. Investments can be planned, justified by facts and their impact clearly assessed. 

undefinedTo the "Climate Action Planning" service